Baal Zebul (Baal)
Siren of Creeping Plague
Empress of Fathoms

Species: Infernal Demon
Rank: Royal Higher demon
Age: Approx. 1600yrs
Birthplace: Lucifugus Swamp, Inferno
Special Skill: Decisive Chorus

Weight in True form: 5.8 tons (12786.8lbs)
True Form Height: 7.5m (24.6ft)

Baal's true form, revealed by Bayonetta's "Deadly Sin" ritual.
This form is only revealed to those she has formed an eternal pact with; in other words, an opponent who sees this form has come face to face with their imminent demise.
In this form, Baal adopts a truly regal and graceful air, singing with an emotional and beautiful voice that resounds through all of Inferno, bringing a dramatic death on part with an expertly performed aria.In fact, her love of opera is such that she occasionally journeys into the human world disguised as an average toad, sneaking up to the rafters of theaters to watch.

Weight in Toad form: 15 Tons (33069.3)
Toad Height: 24m (78.7ft)

A member of the royal family that rules over a certain region of Inferno
Preferring not to be seen, she conceals herself under most circumstances, but she sometimes enters into contracts with witches of sufficient ability and answers their summons.
Contrary to her enormous, toad-like appearance, Baal is quite light on her feet and has extraordinary jumping abilityShe is also one of the most accomplished singers in Inferno and stirs not only the soul of those who hear her voice, but even the skies themselves, and is able to manipulate air pressure to cause poison rain to fall and hurt those who would dare oppose her.She also possesses an endlessly extending and sticky tongue that can snare distant opponents and swallow them in an instant.

Head Canon
How she died...
Baal even as a human had a beautiful almost other worldly voice; daughter of a noble, close blood to the crown. She had a lover but she refused to settle down with him because she was solely focused on her singing and performances. When her lover could not convince her to wed, he grew spiteful especially when she broke off the relationship.One night during one of her performances, said lover snuck on behind her whilst she was on stage but she was so focused on her song she'd not taken note of the crowd gasping not in awe but horror as the ex-lover, dressed in black reached around and silenced her with a slice to the throat. Her song abruptly ended with the gurgling sounds of her own blood spilling from her throat. Her last moments as human spent collapsing on the stage with her eyes catching her ex holding the bloodied blade. Before her hearing faded she heard him utter.'Now none will hear you sing,' But before her soul left her body she swore in her mind she would sing; sing forever in the afterlife. Her desire was granted when her soul became the demon you know now.The accomplished songstress, Baal Zebul. The Siren of Creeping Plague was not done, her first performance as a demon was that singing into her ex-lover's ear making him sick with a deadly illness. The people would tell you then it was she who cursed him and they would be right...


  • Opera performances

  • Singing for others

  • Animals

  • Hellfire Tea

  • Chocolate Inferno Cake

  • Consuming Angels

  • Humans


  • Angels

  • Rude people

  • People who harm animals

  • Religious figures misleading humans

Smaller head-canons

  • Baal is very polite often using manners

  • She will only refer to her contracted witches as 'Mistress' out of respect

  • She's very caring towards her friends

  • She will sometimes randomly start singing as doing so it calming

  • She tends to summon lesser demons who are servants to the royal family

  • Despite the tadpoles on her back in her toad form, Baal is not a mother. The Tadpoles are weapons.

  • Baal will sometimes hide in her smaller human world toad form when she wants alone time

  • Due to her human life ending tragically at the hands of a lover, Baal is very hesitant to fall in love again

  • Baal likes to learn about human behaviors in the modern age being she is far older than most guessed

  • Baal is not easily flustered but can become confused by some human actions

  • Baal uses a human disguise now to help teach singing lessons to other humans so she can earn human money

  • As a demon, Baal can sense negative emotions

  • Despite being a demon though, Baal doesn't wish harm on humans seeing them as inspiring and an adorable race